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古英语词汇(国外英文资料) Old English words Abstract: Old English (Old English) refers to English from 449 to 1150. Old English and modern English are very different in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. The grammar of Old English is similar to that of German, and the morphological changes are very complicated. The nouns in Old English differ from one another in number. The number is divided into singular and plural; the case is divided into the nominative genitive, dative and accusative. Thus, a noun adds up to 8 different forms of change. In addition, nouns are masculine, neuter, and feminine. Key words: the formation of ancient English words, the characteristics of the native vocabulary, loanwords, suffixes, prefixes and compound words. Old English (Old English) is from 449 years to 1150 years. Ancient English and modern English in pronunciation, spelling vocabulary, and grammar are not the same. Old English grammar and German more similar, complicated changes. Respectively, the ancient English noun and a number of grid. Several into singular plural grid is divided into the; nominative case dative, accusative., So a noun combined total of 8 variations. In addition the noun, is positive, neutral and negative. Key words: BC war makes the Old English period there are many languages, some native words can still be traced back to the Indo European family, the vocabulary has many characteristics, such as universal, stability, single syllable features, high frequency, word formation ability is very strong, very strong collocation ability, there are some ambiguity foreign words, and people in order to strengthen the expression of the Prefix suffix and compound words. 1. form In 410 ad, the Roman occupation of Britain ended, then the three Germanic tribes from the northern plains of Germany: Anglo Saxon people (Angles), and Zhu Stewart, people began to settle in Britain. The Anglo Saxon English is the language of the people _. Old English generally starting at 449 years



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