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U3重点词汇讲解 1. weep (wept, wept) 1) vi vt weep for/over sb/sth 流泪哭泣The sight made me want to weep. 我见到这种情形真想痛哭一场。 weep for joy 喜极而泣 weeping over the death of her child weep tears of joy 流出喜悦的眼泪2) n. 一阵哭泣 A good weep would probably make you feel better. 你痛痛快快哭上阵也许就好受些了。[词型变化] 指某些树)有下垂枝条的: a weeping birch, willow, etc 枝条下垂的桦树、垂柳 2. burst on the scene 突然出现 1) n.爆破爆裂: a burst in a water-pipe 水管的破裂 短暂而巨大的努力冲刺a burst of energy, speed, etc 迸发出的能量﹑速度等 某事物的突然爆发a burst of anger, enthusiasm, etc 怒火﹑热情等的迸发 a burst of applause 一阵. 2) vi vt. (burst, burst) (使某物)爆炸; 胀破; 爆破: If you Water-pipes often burst in cold weather. 水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。 [词组] burst in 突然进入(房间等) 警察突然闯进(房门)逮捕了那帮人burst in on sb/sth (因突然来到)阻碍某人[某事物]burst in on a meeting 打断会议 burst into sth 突然而猛烈地发出或产生出某事物The aircraft crashed into the hillside and burst into flames. burst into tears//laughter 突然哭起来 3. bid 1)n. 努力争取;招标(for) a bid for power 权力之争 rival bids for the cleaning contract对清洁合同的竞争性投标 in a bid to do = in order to do 为了了解人体是如何工作的,你需要有些化学知识。 In a bid to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. 1) vi vt. (bid, bid,bidding) Bid (sth. ) (for sth.);(尤指拍卖时)喊价: 投标 She bid 500 (for the painting). 她喊价500英镑(买这幅画)。Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall. 有几家公司投标, 争取建造新音乐厅的合同。 [词型变化] bidder n (拍卖时的)喊价者: The house went to the highest bidder. 房子卖给了出价最高的人。 4. discriminate Vi vt. discriminate between A and B ; discriminate A from B 分别, 辨别, 区分(两事物): discriminate between two cases/one case from another discriminate against sb / in favour of sb 歧视[偏袒](某人或某些人): Society still discriminates against women/in favour of men. Are you saying the law discriminates against the disabled? 作为雇主,她总是优待妇女。 As an employer, she always discriminates in favour of women. [词型变化] discriminating adj 判断力强的; 鉴别力强的; 知觉敏锐的: discriminating taste, judgement, etc 敏锐的鉴赏力﹑ 判断力等 She has an artist’s discriminating eye. 她具有艺术家特有的敏锐眼光。 iscrimination n.歧视;辨别力,识别力;鉴赏力 racial


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