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企业招聘中无领导小组讨论的应用有效性提升研究 @@@ 人力资源管理专业 2010级2班 20103079076 指导教师:梁中 摘要:无领导小组讨论作为一种新的情景模拟面试测试,因为它在企业招聘中具有可靠性和有效性,能够更加全面系统地反应应聘人员的知识架构、内涵素养和应变能力,而被招聘单位广泛地采纳和运用。它主要通过模拟团队环境,给予应聘者仿真式的工作氛围,让其就某个给定的问题或案例情景进行讨论,以观察他们通过行为形态表现出来的实践工作能力,从而来诊断应聘者能否胜任某一工作职位。它的主要目标是选择评价和组织的高层管理诊断。 这篇文章主要分析何为无领导小组讨论;介绍无领导小组讨论的流程;分析无领导小组讨论在企业招聘中应用的必要性、现在的应用现状及普遍存在的问题 ;并在此基础上对无领导小组讨论在企业招聘的应用有效性提升策略进行研究;最后,将会就“职业生涯管理经理”一职为例来设计一场完整的无领导小组讨论。 关键词:无领导小组讨论;招聘选拔;测评标准 Enhance the leaderless group discussion analysis application effectiveness in recruitment strategy Abstract:Leaderless group discussion as an assessment center in a new interview scenario simulation test , because it has high reliability and validity in corporate recruitment , the reaction can be more comprehensive and systematic knowledge of architecture candidates , meaning literacy and strain the ability to recruit units have been widely adopted and utilized. It is mainly through the simulation team environment , giving candidates simulation -style work environment , allowed to discuss a given issue or case scenario , their ability to observe the practical work manifested through behavioral patterns, so that candidates can be diagnosed No qualified for a particular job . Its main objective is to select the diagnostic evaluation of senior management and the organization. In this paper, an overview of what is leaderless group discussion ; introduce no process leading group discussions ; leaderless group discussion on the necessity of the application of corporate recruitment , status and problems elaborate ; and on this basis, the leaderless group discussion in the enterprise recruitment strategies to enhance the effectiveness of the application of research ; Finally , an example would be career manager to design a post full leaderless group discussion . Keywords: Leaderless group discussion ;Recruitment and Selection;Evaluation criteria 目 录 中文摘要 英文摘要 一、无领导小组讨论(LGD)与招聘概述 1 (一)无领导小组讨论的含义 1 (二)无领导小组讨论的应用流程 1 二、


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