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第33 卷 第2 期 经 济 林 研 究 Vol. 33 No.2 2015 年6 月 Nonwood Forest Research Jun. 2015 Doi:10.14067/j .cnki.1003-8981.2015.02.028 http : // 林下经济与经济林产业的发展 袁 军 a,b ,石 斌 a,b ,谭晓风 a,b (中南林业科技大学a. 经济林培育与利用湖南省高校 “2011”协同创新中心; b. 经济林培育与保护省部共建教育部重点实验室,湖南 长沙 4 10004 ) 摘 要:林下经济是经济林产业发展的重要形式之一。经济林的林下经济不仅极大地拓展了经济林的发展空间, 促进了产业的发展与壮大,而且有效转变了经济林产业的增长方式。文中从技术层面综述了林下经济的主要理论, 简要介绍了林下种植、林下养殖、森林游憩及林下综合利用等经济林林下经济的经营模式,并对今后林下经济 如何同经济林产业发展有效结合的问题进行了探讨。 关键词:经济林;林下种植;林下养殖;经营模式 中图分类号:S605;S753.53 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003—8981(2015)02—0163—04 Under-forest economics and development of non-wood forest industry YUAN juna,b , SHI Bina,b , TAN Xiao-fenga,b (a. 20 11 Cooperative Innovation Center of Cultivation and Utilization for Non-Wood Forest Trees of Hunan Province; b . The Key Lab oratory of Cultivation and Protection for N on -Wood Forest Trees of Ministry of Education , Central South University of Forestry & Technology, Changsha 4 10004, Hunan, China) Abstract: Under-forest economics is one of the important forms of non-wood forest industry development. Under-forest economics have great role in development scope expansion, industry development, and economic growth mode transition of non-wood forestry effectively. The maj or theories of under-forest economics at technical level were summarized, management patterns of under-forest economics of non-wood forestry were briefly introduced, including forest farming, forest breeding, tourism and leisure, comprehensive utilization of under-forest economics, and so on. The problem of effective combination of under-forest economics and n


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