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景德镇陶瓷学院 工商学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目:“饿了么”网络外卖营销策划 摘 要 随着经济的飞速发展,互联网越来越为更多的人群所青睐,人们已充分认识到21世纪是互联网信息化的世纪,并且网络的确给予我们很多帮助,人们越来越依赖于网络科技,这促使它成了人们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。因此,随着互联网技术的成熟以及使用的范围全方位覆盖,在商业领域,传统的商业模式逐渐的被电子商务取代,网络营销策略的研究摆在了人们的眼前,而网络广告则是促使人们了解接受电子商务服务的一种有效手段。一打开电视电脑,各种各样的广告铺天盖地而来,但是有的广告已经深入人心,而有的广告则是折戟沉沙。如何让自己的网络营销广告打动人心,引起消费者的青睐,则是众多的营销人员共同研究的话题,本文以“饿了么”为研究对象,浅谈网络外卖的市场及发展,并且分析“饿了么”市场的营销策略的方式方法,并让我们了解各种营销策略的优势及不足。 关键词:饿了么、互联网、网络营销 Abstract With the rapid development of economy, the Internet is more and more favored by more people. People have fully realized that the 21st century is the century of the Internet information, and network does give us a lot of help. People become more and more dependent on network technology, which has prompted it to become an indispensable part of people’s daily life. Therefore, with the maturity of Internet technology and the use of comprehensive coverage, in the business area, electronic commerce gradually replaced traditional business mode. The research of network marketing strategy is displaying in front of people, and online advertising is an effective approach of prompting people to understand and accept e-commerce services. Turn on the TV and the computer, all kinds of ads are all over, but some advertising has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, while some advertising is folded. How to make their own network marketing impressing and cause the favor of consumer is the common research topics to many marketing personnel. This term paper is based on the research object “eleme”, briefly talk about the market and development of network delivery, and analyze the means of marketing strategy of “eleme” market to let us know the advantages and disadvantages of various kinds of marketing strategies. Key words: eleme、 internet;、network marketing “饿了么”网络外卖营销策划 前言 “饿了么”是作为学生们几乎众所周知一家关于做外卖的网站,这家成立于2008年9月的网站,其正式推向市场大概是在2010年前后。从某种程度上讲,我和我的一些室友算是饿了么的忠实顾客,以下是我从一个顾客的角度来解析饿了么的发展以及其所采用的网络营销手段。随着阿里淘点点、美团、大众点评前后涉及外卖行业,餐饮行业已经无法规避餐饮O2O模式了。目前,外卖是相对成熟的


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