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章节名称 科技英语的特点概述教学目的 了解英汉科技英语的词汇、语法和文体结构特点,熟悉本专业相关的英文缩略语及专业英语中出现频率较高的词根、前缀和后缀。掌握科技英语词汇的构词法及翻译技巧。部分内容将在后续章节穿插讲解。 教学内容提要 本部分首先介绍专业英语与普通英语的联系和区别,分别从词汇、语法和文体结构三个方面介绍专业英语的特点。从专业词汇的来源及其特点出发,重点讲述专业词汇的构词法,并介绍专业词汇(术语)的记忆方法和英汉互译技巧。 教学重点 教学方式及手段 多媒体教学,课堂讲授 课后作业Try to translate the following into Chinese according to word building: bio-, biomaterial/biotechnology/biodegradable/biomedicine/biocatalyst/biosynthesis nano-, nanochemistry/nanostructure/nanotechnology/nanotube/nanosecond anti-, antibody/anticancer/antioxidant/antifoam/antitumor 2. Try to translate the following word (“good”) into Chinese. good knife good conductor good English good money good soil good oil Milk is good food for children. It is no good heating the material to such a temperature. The workers gave the machine a good checking. making good use of the sun 【科技英语的特点概述】 一、科技英语的特点 . 科技英语Scientific English的特点 专业英语语法特点:常用形式主语和形式宾语、名词结构和被动语态使用频繁,复杂长句多,复合句多,每句包含的信息量大。 专业英语的修辞特点:时态运用有限,修辞手法简单,逻辑语法使用普遍。 2. Ordinary English and Scientific English 【A】We made a hole in a cork and pushed into it a narrow glass tube. Then we pushed this into the neck of a bottle which we had filled with coloured water. When we did this, some of the coloured water went up into the tube. We marked the level of the coloured water in the tube. Then we put the bottle into a pan of hot water. 【B】After a hole was made in a cock, a narrow glass tube was inserted and the cock was inserted into the neck of a bottle filled with coloured water. On doing this, some of the coloured water rose the tube. The level of the coloured water in the tube was marked. Then the bottle was placed into a pan of hot water. Ordinary English Scientific English 通俗化:常用词汇用得多 专业化:专业术语用得多 多义性:一词多义,使用范围广 单义性:词义相对单一,因专业而不同 人称化:人称丰富,形式多样 物称化:多用物称,以示客观 多时性:描述生活,时态多样 现时性:叙述事实多用现在时 主动性:句子倾向于用主动态 被动性:句子倾向于用被动 简单性:单句、散句用的多 复杂性:复杂单句用得多,复合句用得多 口语化:口语用得多,随意灵活 书面化:长句用得多,书卷气浓 二、科技英语词汇的特点及构词法 1. 半专业词汇 常用词汇专业化 solution



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