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考研曲式答题分析性语言 The open music segment has more development, the tone of the tone increases, the feeling of performance is stronger and fuller, and the end of the music is strengthened. ) At the end of the passages (main part), from the external expansion structure, increase the few bars, material comes from the theme, deepen the expression of the whole music emotion, music played on solid, end, end effect, for sure and strengthen the main part of the development of (generally does not introduce new material). (since supplementary paragraphs are used for stable paragraphs, the purpose is to strengthen the consolidation of the termination.) The rhythm of the same juxtaposition (high, medium, low) is dense, which creates a heavy sound color Harmonics of harmonic variation Expression: music (mainly for melody) rhythm, beat, modulation, tonality, harmony, texture, speed, strength, timbre, timbre, etc. Basic techniques: repetition, reappearance, molding, overlapping, variation, wide release, The accompaniment of the bass accompaniment is unified. The two phrases are also related to the changing of the phrase. Represent the change in more compact Combined with the tone strength changes with the first part of the form a contrast There is a new melody in stark contrast Texture also obvious turned into with the tonic on major change efforts At the end of consolidation effect to be open to terminate Represent the extensibility of central department 2 form Each part of the structure is symmetrical, symmetrical, clear and rhythmic Some of the works also change the accompaniment of the accompaniment while shifting The development of the central part causes the corresponding changes in the representation The first section consists of four sections of formal phrases that constitute the square of the happy paragraph. The two phrases are mostly the same, the first is half terminated, and the two are the same Represent the single trilogy of the development of the theme to get more fully


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