
【转帖】高清播放 KMP分离器应用超详尽法则(国外英文资料).doc

【转帖】高清播放 KMP分离器应用超详尽法则(国外英文资料).doc

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【转帖】高清播放 KMP分离器应用超详尽法则(国外英文资料)

【转帖】高清播放 KMP分离器应用超详尽法则(国外英文资料) What you will see before you start: Dont confuse separation and decoding. The separator is determined by the packaging format of the file, such as AVI, MKV, WMV, TS, TP. Most HD are TS, TP, WMV, and the corresponding video encoding is (H264 / MPEG2 / WMV - HD), most HDre are AVI, MKV, the corresponding video format (H264, Xvid). The work effect of the separator is completely unrelated to the normal/speed mode, the coverage/VMR renderer, and the video audio decoder. And their own efficiency is simply a drag and drop. The following discussion applies to various modes and overlays. When installing Haali, check only the Enable Shell Extension, which is not optional. Enter the parameters of KMP to set filter control source filter other TAB, and remove all the hooks in front of the five connecting to some file options. Reconnect the MKV file type that Haali commandeered to KMP. 3. Do not add Haali to custom filter manager, if make a mistake, the more it will ignore any other Settings, all files for all use Haali separation. File associations are set in the KMPlayer parameter Settings file correlation. You need to rebuild the icon cache to update the icon like the MKV, and restart the system if the cache is invalid. It is recommended that you install KMP in ZIP green, with green filter bags. This option to write to the kmpcfg.ini file prevents the KMPlayer from writing the Settings from the registry - hkey_current_user- KMPlayer. Green filter package in general has made a pair of Bat (Install) and a pair of Reg file, run Uninstall and Unreg after registration, in addition to open the inverse telecine (IVTC), such as hardware acceleration decoder details will remain in the registry, dont leave any other garbage. Furthermore, the only thing that is not green in KMPlayer is the file association. KMPlayer has a new version of it, not to remove the green filter and not move them. Simply empty the old KMPlayer folder, unpack the new KMPlayer to th


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