写书评英文Writing A Good Book Review.ppt

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写书评英文Writing A Good Book Review

* * * * * * * * * * * Writing A Good Book Review What Is A Book Review ? A written opinion of what you think of a certain book as well as an accompanying summary A Good Book Review . . . Gives a statement telling the genre and what types of people would enjoy reading this book. Gives your personal opinions and thoughts about the book and relates the book to your personal life. Gives a brief summary of what goes on in the book but not giving a way the final event ( to do this, you usually just say a question such as “Who will win the vigorous battle between ________ and ______? Read the book to find out ! Leaves the reader in suspense Paragraph 1 The first paragraph follows the title and author. In the 1st paragraph, you will need to include the genre, and what type of people the book is geared towards Paragraph 2 In the 2nd paragraph you want to include your personal opinions about the book and how parts relate to your personal life. This paragraph is strictly about you and your thoughts, and enjoyments HOMEWORK-DAY 1 Tonight’s homework is to write the 1st 2 paragraphs of a book review on the book you will be using for this project. At the end of this part of the unit you will put everything together for 1 grade Paragraph 3 Your 3rd paragraph is the longest of all of your paragraphs. You will give a descriptive yet brief summary of at least 9 sentences but no more that 15 sentences. You must go through phases 1 through 3 (see next slide) Paragraph 3-PLANNER For your summary, you will need to design a phases planner Phase 1 Talk about the main events in the 1st 4th of your book Phase 2 Talk about the main events and the problems that occur during the 1st part of the middle. Talk about the major problem Phase 3 Talk about the 3nd half of the middle and the steps leading up to the solution Phase 4 You don’t talk about this phase in your paragraph 3 but you must still plan it Paragraph 4 This is your last required paragraph Talk about the following; Author Author’s


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