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国际碳减排技术发展趋势分析 竹 涛*,赵金龙,邰世康,陈 旭,方 岩 (中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院环境工程系,北京 100083) 摘要:碳捕集与封存(CCS)技术是在完全使用可再生能源之前必要的过渡技术。本文首先介绍 了世界主要国家 CCS 技术发展的现状,尤其针对各国在《京都议定书》中的减排目标及其为碳 减排所做的努力工作,主要包括:①通过出售碳排放权、税收等手段为CCS技术发展筹集资金; ②加强与私人部门的合作建立示范性工厂;③建立专项资金用于 CCS 技术的发展。之后,分析 了目前 CCS 技术发展中的问题与挑战,并提出相应的建议。希望能够使读者对 CCS 技术的发展 有所了解,同时为该技术的开放与应用提供参考。 关键词:碳捕集与封存;京都议定书;碳排放;问题与挑战 Analysis of International Policy and Practice for CCS Technology ZHU Tao, ZHAO Jinlong, TAI Shikang, CHEN Xu , FANG Yan (Department of Environmental Engineering, School of Chemical Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining Technology, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is completely the essential transition technology before the renewable energy source sufficient application. This article firstly introduces the CCS technological development of the major countries in the world, especially for the carbon emission goal of every country in the Kyoto Protocol. So the mainland of paper includes: ①Though CDM exchange and tax revenue, the governments are raising fund for the CCS technological development. ② The governments strengthen the cooperation with the personal departments to establish the example CCS factories. ③The special funds are established for the CCS technology in every country. Then the questions and challenges of CCS technology have been analyzed, and the corresponding proposals are put forward in the present. We hope the readers can understand the status of CCS technology development in the world, and simultaneously, this paper can provide the reference f


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