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Dark Matter ——暗物质 Some conception about dark matter The latest progress about dark matter April 3th,2013, Samuel Chao Chung Ting (丁肇中) reported the first batch of the physical results of AMS02(阿尔法磁谱仪 ) in CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research欧洲核子研究组织) :the results of 0.5 - 350 GeV Positron (正电子). AMS02 was sent to the International Space Station (ISS) by the space shuttle in May 2011 .It has obtained more than 300 billion cosmic ray examples, including 6.8 million positron and electron. Published results is the measured curve of the positron pair electron-positron with the energy change. The CAS scientists involved in the AMS experiment and make a significant contribution. The latest progress about dark matter Cosmic ray particles’(宇宙线粒子) collision can produce positrons(正电子). Through the analysis of cosmic ray energy spectrum(宇宙线能谱) and its ingredients, we can more accurately predict the curve that positron’s proportion of the electron-positron which changes with energy. The latest progress about dark matter However, the annihilation of dark matter particles in the universe will also generate additional positron. Therefore, the curve that positron’s proportion of the electron-positron which changes with energy is very sensitive to the presence of dark matter articles . It becomes a hotspot of international particle physics community(国际粒子物理界) and the universe academic study. The latest progress about dark matter AMS is the first particle physics detector of space(粒子物理探测器). It can accurately measure the energy spectrum of electrons(电子的能谱) and distinguish between protons and positrons. And the misjudgment rate is less than one millionth.?The published statistical errors and systematic errors of the measured results are less than 1%. The latest progress about dark matter The latest progress about dark matter AMS measured the proportion of positron within the range of 0.5-350 billion eV. (That the proportion of the sum of the number of electronic
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