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中文摘要 《水浒传》以酣畅淋漓的笔墨塑造了一群侠形象,当我们细读文本时,又 发现他们与前代侠形象有所不同。本文旨在探讨《水浒传》侠形象的异变现象 及其原因和影响,藉此以窥《水浒传》侠形象的内涵,进而理解其在中国文学 侠形象发展史中的历史地位。 本文由五部分组成: 第一部分为引言。首先对国内外《水浒传》侠形象研究的历史与现状作回 顾与梳理。其次交代《水浒传》侠形象异变研究的目的及意义。 第二部分为侠的特点及《水浒传》之前侠形象的流变。对侠的特点进行概 括总结,并阐述《水浒传》之前侠形象的流变。 第三部分为《水浒传》侠形象异变表现特征。从士大夫文化之侠到大众文 化之侠的异变、义侠到忠侠的异变、个人之侠到集体之侠的异变和美女之侠到 魔女之侠的异变四种具体异变形态入手,对《水浒传》侠形象异变进行诠释。 第四部分为《水浒传》侠形象异变的原因和影响。从市井细民的审美需求、 时代因素及作者女性观的影响三个方面,探究《水浒传》侠形象异变的原因; 从后世武侠小说中写实性武功和打斗场面的描写、侠依附清官的情节模式、集 体行侠的方式及政治取向三个方面着眼,解析《水浒传》侠形象异变的影响。 第五部分为结语。概括了本论文的基本观点。 关键词:《水浒传》;侠形象;异变;原因;影响 I Abstract A group of knights-errant images are figured in Outlaws of the Marsh, which are different from the previous ones when reading the text carefully. This paper attempts to probe into the mutation phenomenon of knight-errant image in Outlaws of the Marsh and its causes and influence as well, thereby to understand the real connotation of knight-errant image and to better comprehend its historical position. This paper consists of five parts. The first part is an introduction which reviews the history and present situation of the research of knight-errant image in Outlaws of the Marsh home and abroad and then accounts for the significance of the research. The second part is concerned with the characters of knight-errant and the mutation of knight-errant image prior to Outlaws of the Marsh, which outlines the characters of knight-errant and expounds the mutation of knight-errant image prior to Outlaws of the Marsh. The third part discusses the characters of the mutation of knight-errant image in Outlaws of the Marsh, which gives explanatory notes proceeding from four concrete mutation forms which are the mutat



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