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医学英语课后翻译习题答案9-12 Unit 9 1鉴别诊断Differential diagnosis 2 流行病学Incidence and epidemiology 3 银屑病关节炎Psoriatic arthritis 4骨关节炎Osteoarthritis 5 寰枢关节Atlantoaxial joint 6 齿突Odontoid prcess 7 腰椎Lumbar 8拇趾外翻Hallux valgus 9近端指 (趾) 间关节Proximal interphalangeal joint 10 颈椎病Cervical spondylosis 11 从出现症状到确诊平均需要6个月到1年 The average time from the onset of symtoms to diagnosis is about 6 months to 1 year. 12 如果病人保持一个姿势时间过长, 就会出现类似“凝胶”的现象 A simillar ”gelling” phenomenon occurs when Patients remain in a single position for a prolonged period of time. 13 在类风湿性关节炎中, 腰部疾病是很常见的 Waist disease is quite common in RA. 14 肩关节炎可引起疼痛, 活动受限, 回旋肌腱的撕裂。 Arthrits in the shoulder joint can cause pain,decrease range of motion,and chronic rotator cuff tears. 15 在患有严重肩关节炎的病人中, 疼痛引起的入睡困难是很常见的疾病。 Difficulty in slepping due to pain is a very common complaint in paients with significant shoulder arthritis. Unit 10 1.阴阳学说建立在对立统一规律的基础上 The theory of Yin-Yang is guided by the law of unity of the opposites. 2.阴阳之间的关系有阴阳的对立、阴阳的互根、阴阳的消长和阴阳的相互转化 The interaction between Yin and Yang can be summed up briefly as: opposition of Yin and Yang, interdependence of Yin and Yang, waning and waxing of Yin and Yang, and inter-transformation of Yin and Yang. 3.阴阳消长指阴阳之间的相互作用及其转化 waning and waxing of Yin and Yang describes the interaction and potential exchange between Yin and Yang.. 4.静止、下降、黑暗等属阴The characteristics of stillness, descending, darkness, and, etc. pertain to Yin5. 阳盛阴虚则滋阴潜阳,阴阳两虚则滋阴益阳 In case of little Yin deficiency, nourishing Yin and subdue Yang. In case of deficiency of both Yin and Yang, nourishing Yin and tonifying Yang. 6. 事物阴阳的属性是相对的 The Yin-Yang attribution of the thing is relative 7. 阴阳两者之间互为条件,任何一方都不能脱离另一方而存在 Yin-Yang are interdependent. One cannot exist without the other. Each of the two aspects is the condition for the others existence and neither can exist in isolation. 8. 量变可以导致质变 Quantitative change can lead to qualitative change. 9. 功能性疾病、器质性疾病 Functional diseases. Organic diseases. 10. 维持阴阳平衡是中医学的基本治则


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