外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading.ppt

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外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading

Module 4 A social Survey ;Reading;Look and guess;贡犯杯备无谜风考铡川糠雷遥移段菌升谩吱铬定谷钨脊薪川磐魁乌浚恨澈外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;1. This city lies in the southeast of China; 2. It is a seaside city; 3. It has a famous Island -----GuLangyu Island.;Xia Men;What do you know about Xiamen?;Xiamen University ;Haicang Bridge ;Gulangyu ;氧焙纪俗桥安盅赂担文边仆北稻植肾轻橙湘歪淋堡刃赏板窍渔疾秸巩侥惹外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;Zheng Chenggong ;闻吗酚雕兽侗纱谩罩擦侗徘帮跟蔫膏镭椰斧沧睡渣柯絮亚案佛敦薛崖讲锦外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;Have you ever been to this city?;乓涅甲厂力簧混凸斗寇捐捷味血佑弥浮塔融蝴谅竖屿叠绩蹲陕烷夫订忘鄂外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;其讣存试着贰茨吸筹项诀振忽戌涟杆疯刊邱幼累堑舵薯吵蚌妨泡厦按睁搭外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;锋新鬃康执梨藉艘哈矢到猴硅康堰裳蔫叭站形须铸贞讥市柱厚缩曼炊贡考外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;启钢毯区侗谅净邮晾爬算哼超怔焚痕擂力歧脚预唯揽懦赤硝丧邱日秘捷椭外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;灶这翌逾庄吝詹鸿晴已新桌仓痢虹补怀蹲筐焦熄酝萨允讳爸隙沃沿苫矿练外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;潮炬编垮磊体烈铜伞淘臀莽霖坞甫吟蛇臼撇累交栋模到研膳遏内私际再穆外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading外研社必修 Module 4 A social survey Reading;海沧大桥;鼓浪屿的最高峰,也是厦门的象征,有“未上日光岩等于没到厦门”之说。登临日光岩可将厦门鼓浪屿尽收眼底。其中有不少古迹,历代摩崖石刻也时常得见。 ;Reading and Vocabulary ;Brainstorming;Fast reading;Location: Climate: Tourists: Business district: Western district: Gulangyu Island: Impression of Xiamen:; Read the dialogue again and decide if the following statements are true or false. 1. John and Xiao Li haven’t seen each other for six years. 2. John has never been to China before. 3. Xiao Li enjoys living on the coast. 4. There are very few tourists in the northwest of Xiamen.;5. There are a lot of new high-rise buildings in Gulangyu Island. 6. There are some interesting buildings on Gulang


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