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Global Shortage of Water 1.人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 Fresh water is thought to be inexhaustible on earth __________________________________. In fact, __________________________. In addition, __________________________________________________. Some people think fresh water is inexhaustible on earth because you can get it almost everywhere. In fact, whenever you turn on the tap, you will get fresh water. In addition, you can see many fresh water resources like rivers, lakes, and wells. It is hard to imagine that fresh water could be used up. Writing strategies I: Introduction The introductory paragraphs should accomplish two tasks: They should get the readers interest so that he or she will want to read more. They should let the reader know what the writing is going to be about. Ways to begin an essay Using a quotation or a quote to make the essay and the discussion strong and persuasive Book 4, unit 4, text B Asking a question / questions In the Shadow of the Poorhouse, Michael Katz writes, Diffused through every layer of government; partly public, partly private, partly mixed; incomplete and still not universal; defeating its own objectives, American welfare practice is incoherent and irrational. Still, this crazy system resists fundamental change. What is the source of its resilience? How are we to understand the persistence of a welfare system so thoroughly disliked and so often and authoritatively criticized?” Providing relevant background information / historical review After the strong wind and the heavy rain, the hurricane attacked the city of New Orleans. The embankment was broken and the water poured into the city, and about eighty percent of the city was damaged by the flood. What can we know from it? Nature conquers man. …… So nature conquers man 4. Giving a surprising or interesting fact After having my wonderful summer vacation, I came back to school and started my new semester. However, some of my friends were not so lucky to enjoy their holiday. The


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