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典型的戒断反应10种(国外英文资料) 10 typical withdrawal Masturbation bar the sequela The classic reading is good for reading. 1, real sy impulse, even lead to abnormal strong, breaking even results from breaking. In this case, many children are met, from general methods are used, no way to subdue desire! In fact, the method is very simple, and is more than other kids quit, quit color bar sy to help people treat the sequelae, answer from color knowledge of their own know, to help get rid of the other children. As long as the responsible people, must do feel relaxed and happy, the heart, no automatic thoughts and desires of the hand. And such a good thing to do every day, so the automatic line into a virtuous cycle completely quit ~! This is the fundamental method, close to believe and to practice!! Here I get rid of my children ask their children to do so, the implementation of good children are one-time abstinence! In addition, other children told me that in his study or life to help other children, also feel happy, not to hand the idea! In short, good to students and upright hand without automatic desire, this is the most fundamental cause of abstinence, and luck the spirit of good are invisible. Remember to do so. As for the cure of general I do not say more, such as push up exercises can be used to divert attention etc.. The 2 day, Yin, even still want to see yellow. The idea of a lot of anxious and preoccupied nausea, only by doing good deeds have righteousness, the mind in order to automatically clean and stable, then you want to be a yellow things must sense dirty ~ this is the nature of the changes, many children have come to realize! A magnanimous but not to move, this is the most fundamental, The specific method is the reference method said in 1, specifically to do so, the two most fundamental factors of automatic destruction from are eliminated, the first action, must implement the good evil to me. 3, frequent nocturnal emission Many children have no spermatorrhea absti


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