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英语从句 ★ 定义:主语从句时名词性从句中的一种,指句中的主语是一个完整的句子。 ★ 位置:它可以放在主句谓语动词之前,但多数情况下由it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句之后。 ★ 连词:引导主语从句的连词有that, whether, 连接代词有who, what, which, 连接副词有when, where, how, why等。 ★ 例句:That she was able to come made us very happy. Whether she will come or not is still a question. What we need is more time. Who will go makes no difference. Which team will win the match is still unknown. When they will start is not known yet. Where she has gone is a mystery. How this happened is not clear. Why he did that wasn’t. ★ 引导主语从句的that不作成分,但不能省略。 ★ 由it作形式主语,常用句型有: It is +名词/形容词/过去分词+主语从句 It is still a question whether she will come or not. It is strange that you should like him. It is still unknown which team will win the match. 此外,还有以下常用结构: It turned out that… 结果是… It has been found that…已经发现… It has been proved that…已经证明… It happened/occurred that…恰好… It is well-known that…据说… It is said/reported that…据说/据报道… It must be pointed out that…必须指出… It doesn’t matter whether…是否…都没关系 It makes no difference whether…是否…毫无区别 二、表语从句 ★ 定义:表语是一个完整的句子。,由引导,有时可省略that. ★ 位置:从句位于系动词之后。 ★ 连词:引导标语从句的连词有that,whether, as if, 代词who, what, which, 副词when, where, how, why等。 ★ 例句:That fact is (that) she never liked him. It could be this part of the ice sheet is not necessarily sensitive to golbal warming. 这可能是此处的冰层覆盖对全球变暖不那么敏感。 The question is who can complete the difficult task. ★ 注意:用because引导的标语从句仅限于以下一个句型 This/That/It is because (that)… I think it’s because you are doing too much. 主语是reason是,表语从句不能用why或because引导,只能用that. One reason why Hamlet is such a sucessful play is that it appeals to many different people. 表语从句不能用if引导,但可用as if引导。 He looked as if he was going to cry. 三、同位语从句 ★ 定义:同位语是一个名词,表示与前面名词相同的人或物,如“my friend John”中,John 是friend的同位语, the Yangtze, the longest river of China”中,river 是Yangtze的同位语。同位语从句即表示同位语是一个完整的句子。 ★ 位置:同位语从句跟在名词后面,进一步uom该名词的具体内容,或对该名词作进一步


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