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恐惧修省与观象进德——《周易·大象》成书之时代与思想特色 摘要:本文指出,《大象》强调观象“恐惧修省”,这正好是《大象》早出,成于《左》《国》或春秋晚期孔子 时代 的证据,因而早于《彖传》。“观象修省”指为政者观上天示警之象而对自己为政过错的反省。而“观象进德”的思维方式,与曾、孟强调的个人内心反省大不相同,是以《易》之象为教之文本或学之文本的表现,其性质是正面观象而进德、修德。 关键词:大象;观象修省;观象进德 Fearing introspecting self-cultivating and expanding virtue by observing the images: On the time when Da Xiang was compiled and Da Xiang’s ideological characteristics  Abstract: The paper points out that Da-xiang (the Great Image, a chapter of the Commentaries in the Book of Change) emphasizes fearing, introspecting and self-cultivating by observing the images of the hexagrams to grasp thEir implied meaning. This just can prove that Da-xiang was compiled in the time when the history books of Zuo Zhuan and Guo Yu were compiled or in the late Spring Autumn period when Confucius was living, earlier than the compilation of Tuan Zhuan (a chapter of the Commentaries in the Book of Change). “Introspecting and self-cultivating” refers to governors introspect thEIr mal-governance by observing the images of warning from the Heaven. Different from the inner-mind introspection stressed by ZENG Zi and Mencius, thinking mode of “expanding virtue by observing images” regards Yi’s images as the implication of learning or edification text, the quality of which is to directly observe the images’ implied meaning to expand virtues and cultivate oneself.  Key words: Da Xiang; introspecting by observing the images; expanding virtue by observing images 《周易》原为卜筮之书,但在 发展 过程中,开始具有两重作用:一是占卜,一是智慧的积累与启示,成为哲理与人生智慧的教科书。《系辞上》说:“夫易彰往而察来,而显微阐幽。开而当名辨物,正言断辞,则备矣。”前一句话即指《易》的占卜作用,后一句则指《易》作为哲理与人生经验的 总结 所具有的作用。《系辞上》又说:“是故君子所居而安者,易之序也,所乐而玩者,爻之辞也。是故君子居则观其象而玩其辞,动则观其变而玩其占,是以自天佑之,吉无不利。”居指安居在家时,此时君子于《易》,“观其象而玩其辞”,也即以《易》为教科书,琢磨其所显示的义理。“动则观其变而玩其占”,要行动时,则以《易》作为占筮之用。《易》的前一重要作用,首先是在《易》的《象辞》,特别是《大象》中得到了集中而自觉的表现。关于《大象》,本文着重探讨的有:(一)成书的时代;(二)“观象修省”之性质;(三)“观象进德”的特点。 一 象辞分《大象》《小象》。《大象》是对卦之象的解说,《小象》则是对爻辞的解说;但两者不是同时的。我以为《小象》应为《小彖》,它与《大象》并无关系,而与《彖辞》是一个体系,无论使用的概念或思维方式、释辞义例,都与《彖》一致,以之为《小彖》更为恰当。(另有说)《大象



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