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再析 《我弥留之际 》中的本德仑一家 郭棲庆  潘志明 内容提要 :长久以来 ,对福克纳的小说 《我弥留之际 》中人物的评论 ,尤其是对本德仑一家的 评析 ,呈现出一高一低两种倾向。低的倾向以居高临下的姿态蔑视他们 ,夸大小说人物的不 足 ,把他们贬为 “白人垃圾 ”并给予无情批评 ;高的倾向则拔高小说人物 ,把超越现实可能的 哲理赋予小说人物 ,颂扬 “贫穷的白人 ”的普遍人性价值 。然而 ,不管我们是否把 《我弥留之 际 》作为一部传统的现实主义作品 ,对小说人物的评析都必须以人物生活的现实为基础 。 就此而言 ,把 《我弥留之际 》的人物评析建立在小说文本所提供的人物的现实生活基础之 上 ,并把它置于当时城乡矛盾的历史语境中去 ,有助于我们更好地理解该文本 ,还小说人物 以真实面 目。 关键词 :福克纳  《我弥留之际 》 文本  白人垃圾  城市化 作者简介 :郭棲庆 ,北京外国语大学英语学院教授 、博士生导师 ,主要从事美国小说研究 ;潘 志明 ,北京外国语大学博士生 、副教授 ,主要研究方向为美国小说及华裔美国文学 。 T itle : A Fair W ord for the B undren s: A TextB a sed A nalysis of the Characters in A s I L ay D y ing A b stract: Two tendencie s have succe ssively p revailed in the analysis of the characters in W illiam Fau lkner ’s A s I L ay D y ing , one a conde scending tendency to exaggerate their dem erits and to criticize them a s con temp tib le wh ite tra sh , and the other a sub lim ating tendency to lift them ou t of their reality and to attribu te p h ilo sop h ical qualitie s to them by p raising the un iversal value s of the poor wh ite s. However, whether or not the novel is con sidered realistic, the analysis of its charac ters shou ld ba se itself on textual evidence relating to the life of the characters shap ed by their h is torical con text of u rban ization. Such a p ersp ective w ill not on ly p rom ise a fu ller understanding of Fau lkner ’s text bu t also re store its characters to their own footing. Key words: W illiam Fau lkner A s I L ay D y ing  text the wh ite tra sh u rban ization A uthors: Guo Q iq ing is p rofe ssor of English at B eij ing Foreign Studie s U n iversity ( B ei j ing100089 , Ch ina) , sp ecializing in the studie s of Am erican novel. Pan Zh im ing is associate p ro fessor and a Ph. D. candidate at Beij ing Foreign StudiesUniversity (Beij ing 100089, China) , mainly engaged in the studies of Am erican novel and Chinese Am erican literature. Em ail: pzm 1965 @ 163.


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