全册知识点 复习 课件(人教新目标七年级上).ppt

全册知识点 复习 课件(人教新目标七年级上).ppt

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全册知识点 复习 课件(人教新目标七年级上)

* 冠词 art. 用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一个 a 用于辅音前; an用于元音前 the 指已提到的人(物);?指说话人与听者已知的人(物);?? 与序数词连用; 与乐器连用 1.国名,人名,语言前 go to Beijing/ in English 2.在季节、月份、节日、 科目、星期等表示时间的名词之前 on Sunday / in June 3.在三餐、球类运动的名称前 play soccer/ have lunch 4. 有物主代词(my,your…), this, that, some, any…时 不用冠词 That is ________ orange cup. This is my ________ blue jacket. We have English for ____ hour today. 3.Math is ______ useful subject. 4.There is ______ “s” in the word “student.” 5. Let’s play _______ tennis with him. 6.There is _____ key on the table. _____ key is mine. 7. He has ________ old car. _____ second car is his. 8. We have _______ history on Sunday morning. 9. My mom’s birthday is on ______ January _________1st. an / an a an / a The an The / / / / the …的照片 …的名字 这两个女孩 在第一张照片里 在下一张图片里 我明白了。 祝你玩得开心。 很高兴见到你。 the photo of… the name of … these two girls in the first photo in the next picture I see. Have a good time=Have fun Nice to meet you. 词组 交际用语 Starters1-3 Units 1-2 -______________________? -Yes, he is Jack. 2.-______________________? -Her name is Alice. 3. -Are you Helen? -Yes, _______/ No, _________. 4. -___________________________?/ ___________________________. -P-E-N. 5.- ______________________? -His phone number is 156515794564. What’s her name I am I’m not How do you spell “pen” Spell “pen”, please. What’s his phone number Is he Jack 6.-______________________________? -Mary’s family name is Smith. 7. -_________________________________________? His first name is John. 8. -______________________________? This is my family photo. 9. -______________________________? They are my aunts. 10. -______________________________? -My grandmother is in the first photo. 11.- Have a good day. -______________. What’s his first name What’s Mary’s family name What’s this Who are they/these/ those Who’s in the first photo Thank you (二)名词专项 定义:指人或事物的名称. 名词: 可数名词 (单数/复数) 不可数名词 只有单数 cousin_____ boy______ key______ box______ class_____ watch______


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