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1000-0569/ 2011/027 ( 02) -0383-97 A cta P etrolog ica Sinica 岩石学报 * ** 1, 2 2, 3 2, 3 2, 4 2 柯珊 刘盛遨 李王晔 杨蔚 滕方振 1, 2 2, 3 2, 3 2, 4 2** KE Shan , L IU ShengA o , L IW angY e , YANG W e i and TENG F angZhen 11 , 100083 21 Iso ope Labora ory, D eparm en of G eosciences and A rkan sas C en er for Sp ace and Plane ary Sciences, U n iversi y of A rkansas, Fay e eville, AR 7270 1 31 -, , 230026 41 , , 100029 11 S tateK ey Laboratory of Geolog ica l Processes andM inera lR esources, China Un iversity of Geosciences, B eij ing 100083, Ch ina 21 Isoto eL aboratory, D e artm ent of Geosciences and A rkansas Centerf or S ace and P lanetary S ciences, University of A rkansas, F ayettev ille, AR 7270 1, USA 31 CAS K ey Laboratory of Crust-M antleM aterials and Env ironm ents, School of E arth and S ace Sciences, Un iversity of S cience and Technology of Ch ina, H ef e i 230026, Ch ina 41 S tateK ey Laboratory of L ithos h eric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geo hysics, ChineseA cademy of S ciences, B eij ing 100029, Ch ina 20 10-09-0 1 收稿, 20 10-11-20 改回1 K e S, L iu SA, L iWY, Y ang W and Teng FZ1 20111 Advances and application in magnesium isotope geochem istry1 A cta P e trolog ica S in ica, 2 ( 2): 383- 39 Abstract A s new g eo log ica l racers, M g iso opes a rac mo re and


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