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福建农业学报26( 3) : 440~ 445, 2011 : 100 - 03 4 (2011) 03- 440- 06 F uj ian ournal of A g ricultural Sciences (NIRS) 徐庆贤, 沈恒胜, 林 斌, 官雪芳, 汤葆莎 ( , 350003) : , , 67 , ( PLS) : , : ; ; ; : S 165; S 646 : A Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy forHeavy Metal Determination of SweetPotato Leaves and Stems XU Qing-xian, SH EN Heng-sheng, LIN Bin, GUAN Xue-fang, T ANG Bao- sha (A gricultural E ng ineering T echnique I ns titute, Fuj ian A cad emy of A gricultural S ciences, Fuz ho u, F uj ian 350003, China) Abstract: Inorganic ions in plants can be determined by using the near-infrared spect ral ( NIRS) technique, because they combine w ith the organic groups that have NIRS absorptions T he present study explored the feasability of applying near- infrared diffuse ref lectance spectrometry for rapid determination of Cu, Zn and Cd contents in sw eet potato leaves and stems Sixty-seven leaf and same number of stem samples w ere collected from sw eet potato plants grow n under different fertilizations T he partial least square met hod w as used for calibrating spect ral data with their corrsponding w ater, protein, Cd, Cu and Zn content s of the sweet potatoes The results show ed that the established models could rapidly predict t he contents of Cu, Cd and Zn in the leaves and stems However, the model needed to be ref ined further for accurate applications. ey words: near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy ; sw eet pot ato; PLS; heavy metal , , ( ) , [ 1- 2] , , : , , ( NIRS) , ,


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