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I 摘要 吴儆是新安理学早期阶段的一位重要理学家,是新安先哲之一,在新安理学 中有重要地位。吴儆弱冠游太学,中绍兴二十七年进士,在太学凡十数年,中绍 兴二十七年进士,后历任鄞县尉、安仁知县、邕州通判。与张栻、朱熹、吕祖谦、 陈亮、陈傅良等人均有交往,与陈亮尤为亲密。他的思想也受到程朱理学和事功 学派的影响,使其理学表现出学宗程朱、兼取事功的特色。吴儆思想的事功倾向 表现在诸多方面,如崇尚学以致用,鄙视浮华空谈;在政论文中宣扬功利主义; 在行为上奉行不拘文法的准则等。但吴儆的事功倾向与永康、永嘉事功学派有本 质区别。吴儆虽重事功,但在学术本旨上坚持理学方向,奉程朱为正统,在天道 观、历史观、人性论、格物致知等理学根本问题上与程朱相一致,总体上仍属于 程朱派理学家。 其政治思想主要包括收复中原的恢复思想、追求吏治清明的吏治思想、追求 司法公正的狱讼思想和以巩固国防为目的的军事思想。教育思想则主要是“经学” 与“治事”并重的“分斋肄业”思想和“见而闻之”的见教思想。关于吴儆思想 的研究意义,本文认为主要有二个方面,即其经世致用的思想倾向对新安后学的 影响和其学术思想对探讨新安理学早期发展的意义。 关键词: 吴儆 朱熹 新安理学 事功 I Abstract Wu Jing is a well-known Neo-Confucianist of Xin’an, he began to study in the Imperial College about his 20 years old. And his studying in the Imperial College had continued more than 10 years. He successfully passed the highest imperial examinations and became a Jinshi in 1157. Than he successively became the local official of Yinxian,Anren and Yongzhou. He has contact with many great scholars in his times, such as Zhu Xi, Zhang Shi, Lu Zuqian, and Chen Liang and so on. Wu Jing’s philosophy is belonging to the Cheng-Zhu school of Neo-Confucianism, but contains some utilitarianism in it at the same time. His politics thoughts were mainly composed of the thought of seeking the unification of China, the thought of pursuing the officials to be clean and uncorrupted, the thought of pursuing the system of laws and justice to be fair and just, and the thought of consolidation the national defense. About his education thoughts, he thinks that the theory and practice are same important, so he taught his students to read classics, and he also taught them how to handle actual affairs. His education though


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