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8 3 北京工业职业技术学院学报 3V o.l 8 2009 7 Jul. 2009 JOURNAL OF BEIJING POLYTECHN IC COLLEGE 张建军 杜 莉 (, 100042) : 最短路径问题在交通网络应用中具有很高的实用价值, 最短路径搜索算法在空间和时间复 度上 有不同的特点, 根据需求的现状合理选择搜索算法和改进经典算法是应用中的常规方法由简单到复 的 分析了搜索最短路径的 9种算法, 并且比较了经典的D ijkstra算法和启发式搜索算法 A* 的关系和特点, 并 且提出了提高搜索效率的改进方法 : 最短路径; D ijkstra; 图; A* : TP301 : A : 1671- 6558( 2009) 03- 26- 06 Analy sis and Optim ization of A lgorithm for F inding Shortest Path Zhan Jianjun Du L i ( Beijin Polytechn ic Colle e, Beijin 100042, Ch ina) Abs tract: Shortest path has h i h value of practical application to transport and netw ork. The al orithm of findin the shortest path has different features in the comp lex ity of tmi e and space, so the conventionalmethod is to reason ably choose or mi prove classical al orithm accordin to actual dem and. From the smi plest to themost comp lex, th is paper analyzes 9 al orithm s for find in the shortest path, compares the characteristics and relation of classicalD ijk stra and heuristicA* al orithm, and brin s forw ard a method of mi provin efficiency. K ey w ord s: shortest path; D ijkstra; raph; A* 0 1 A , , , 1 G = ( V, E) , V ,i V j G , V i Vj V i Vj , V i V j 1: ABCDE 1 : 2009 - 05- 20 : , : [ 2006] 29 : ( 1974- ) , , , , , 3 张建军, 等: 最短路径算法的分析与优化 2 AD( 10)AE ( 15) 4, 1A 2. 1 , ( : ); ( 1)A ABACADAE ( 2)ABACADAE4 4 ( 2),


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