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课程设计报告 课程名称: 《单片机原理及应用课程设计》 课题名称: 交通灯控制器 系 部: 电气与信息工程学院 专业班级: 自动化09102 学生姓名: 指导教师: 完成时间: 2012年6月18日 报告成绩: 摘 要 随着社会的发展与进步,城市交通灯逐渐成为人们安全出行中很重要的一部分,因此提供一个可靠、安全、便捷的交通灯控制装置有着现实的必要性。综合应用数字电子技术、单片机原理、protel制图等课程方面的知识,设计一个采用STC89C51单片机控制的交通灯控制电路,硬件组成包含了微处理基本应用单元、倒计时电路、指示灯电路。其中微处理基本应用单元包括有STC89C51单片机、复位电路、时钟电路,复位电路可以将单片机状态置于初始状态、时钟电路产生12MHz时钟信号、单片机实现对外来信息的处理;倒计时电路对指示灯的点亮情况进行倒计时;指示灯电路显示各交通灯信号。由KeilC51编写的程序源代码包括主程序、交通灯系统控制子程序、时间中断子程序、数码管显示子程序、指示灯显示子程序等部分。通过单片机实验板的具体实验,达到了预期设计要求。 关键词:交通灯;微处理器;倒计时;LED Abstract Along with the development of society progress, the traffic lights gradually become us to live in very important part of it, therefore to provide a reliable, safe, convenient traffic control system is of the practical necessity. This course design comprehensive application of digital electronic technology and single-chip microcomputer principle, such as protel software courses the knowledge of the respect, design a STC89C51 using single-chip microcomputer control of traffic light control circuit. This circuit include micro basic application unit and reset circuit of the clock circuit of the countdown circuit of the indicator light display section. Micro basic unit can be used to realize the foreign information processing and reset circuit of the single chip microcomputer can be all state in the initial state, clock circuit of the 12 MHz clock signal, provide circuit of the countdown to brighten indicator on countdown, indicator light display section shows every traffic light signals. By KeilC51 program source code, including the main program, traffic light system control procedure, time interrupt subroutines, digital pipe display subroutines, indicator shows the son of procedures, etc. Through the simulation experiment and Proteus software SCM experiment board experiment, all can appear the expected phenomenon, meet the design requirement


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