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钱穆的美学思想研究 内 容 提 要 钱穆以其渊博的学识,对中国古代的史学等各类人文社会科学阐发了自己独 到的见解。他对中国文化的钟爱,表现在其著作的字里行间,他的美学思想也蕴 藏在其关于史学文化学的论述当中。 钱穆一生的著作,大多涉及中国传统历史文化。他认为历史是一活的生命, 文化亦是一活的生命,文化与历史实际是“一而二,二而一”的关系。史学研究 的主体和核心是民族文化精神,它是一个民族生存发展的命脉所在。 钱穆认为,文学、艺术属历史文化的第三层面,即精神层面。他研究文学艺 术是以历史文化为大背景的,主要是从儒家的道德本体论来看待文学艺术的本质 及其作用的。他的美学思想与他的史学思想实际上是相通的,都怀着对民族文化 的热爱,强调人及人的情感、生命的重要性,其最终目的都是为了振兴民族文化。 无论是他的史学,文化学,还是文学艺术观,都是在说明中华文化的光辉灿烂。 中国文化的源远流长正在于其中蕴涵着生命及不朽的精神。 关键词: 钱穆 文化精神 文学 艺术 1 Abstract Qian Mu, with his profound knowledge, originated his original opinions on Chinese ancient historiography and other humanities and social science. His endearment about Chinese culture was expressed between the lines of his literatures; his ideas of aesthetics were contained in his discussions and narrations on historic culture. Most of Qian Mu’s literatures involve the traditional history and culture of China. Some of his thoughts include: history has a live life and so does culture; culture and history, although defined as two fields, have actually the same meaning; the main body and core of the historiography is the spirit of national culture that is the lifeline for a nation to exist and develop. Qian Mu thought that literature and art is the third lay of the historic culture, namely the lay of spirit. He employed historic cultures as the background to study the literature and art, mainly analyzed the essence and function of literature and art from the point view of Confucian morality and ontology. His ideas of aesthetics were connected closely to that of history. Both, with ultimate goal to carry forward national culture, expressed the devotion to national culture, emphasized the


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