Functions from a set to a set-英文文献.pdf

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Functions from a set to a set-英文文献

JOURNAL OF FORMALIZED MATHEMATICS Volume 1, Released 1989, Published 2003 Inst. of Computer Science, Univ. of Białystok Functions from a Set to a Set ´ Czesław Bylinski Warsaw University Białystok Summary. The article is a continuation of [1]. We define the following concepts: a function from a set X into a set Y , denoted by “Function of X ,Y”, the set of all functions from a set X into a set Y , denoted by Funcs(X ,Y), and the permutation of a set (mode Permutation of X , where X is a set). Theorems and schemes included in the article are reformulations of the theorems of [1] in the new terminology. Also some basic facts about functions of two variables are proved. MML Identifier: FUNCT_2. WWW: /JFM/Vol1/funct_2.html The articles [4], [3], [5], [6], [7], [1], and [2] provide the notation and terminology for this paper. 1. FUNCTIONS FROM A SET TO A SET In this paper P, Q, X , Y , Z , x , x 1, x2 , y , z are sets. Let us consider X , Y and let R be a relation between X and Y . We say that R is quasi total if and only if: / / (Def. 1)(i) X = domR if if Y = 0, then X = 0, / (ii) R = 0, otherwise. Let us consider X , Y . Observe that there exists a relation between X and Y which is quasi total and function-like. Let us consider X , Y . One can verify that every partial function from X to Y which is total is also quasi total. Let us consider X , Y . A


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