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教 案 课程名称 捷进英语综合教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 《捷进英语综合教程1 教师用书》 Teaching Plan 教 学 单 元 Unit 8 Steps Forward 单 元 主 题 We are what we choose Life advice from famous people Lifestyle choices 课 时安 排 8 教 学 内 容 Reading for learning We Are What We Choose Reading for Doing Advice for the Future Guided Writing An Internship Advertisement Audio/Video Lab 教学环节主要特色 教学活动安排建议 Warm-up (热身) This section introduces the idea of success and future plan. Students are given a number of visual scenarios to compare and consider. Rather than select the ones that represent success you could ask students to rank them in order from the biggest to the smallest indicators of success. You could also extend in into a discussion on successful people who represent each photo. Reading (阅读) Reading for learning This section starts with identifying the author’s feelings in a text. It then encourages students to make connections between the feelings and their understanding of the text. Vocabulary and Grammar Students look at topic based vocabulary in the first task and form based vocabulary in the second task. The grammar section looks at will and the first conditional. Beyond the Text Students react to a poem by William Wordsworth. The first task of identifying the authors’ feelings may be challenging depending on the students vocabulary as it relies largely on understanding individual words. In Vocabulary Focus, The first task looks at topic related vocabulary from the reading text. All of the statements are based on facts and can be used for discussion purposes. The Grammar Focus part looks at will and the first conditional. After working through Tasks 1 to 3, Task 4 can be extended into a more detailed written or spoken section for freer practice. Beyond the Text Encourages stude


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