2015届一轮复习Book4 Unit5 Theme parks.ppt

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2015届一轮复习Book4 Unit5 Theme parks

Book4 Unit5 Theme Parks 1)有各种各样的颜色可供选择。 There are various colours to choose from. 2)那种事因人而异 That sort of thing varies from person to person. 3)为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化。 Teachers should vary their lessons to make them more interesting. 1. 我认为应该保留这些传统习俗。 I think these traditional customs should be preserved. 2. 你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。 You can preserve meat or fish in salt. 3.在自然保护区内不许打猎。 No hunting is allowed ___________. I’ve been told that our teacher has ______ the deadline for the composition by two days and we have to hand it in tomorrow morning. A.made B.cut C.advanced D.suggested 【解析】 be advanced by two days “提前了两天” 5. get close to 1)那个小孩子很想靠近看比赛。 The little child wanted to watch the game _______. 2)你会发现很难靠近那只老虎。 You will find it hard to ___________ the tiger. 3)这幅画贴近看时很不一样。 The picture looks very different when you see it ________. close down close up bring sth to a close come to a close a close game What he said is close to home. swing (swung, swung) vt.vi.摇摆 n.[c]摇摆;秋千 1).他走路时摆动着手臂。 He swung his arms as he walked. 2)那个女孩坐在秋千上,前后摇摆. The girl sat on a swing, swinging back and forth. swing around/round 突然转向相反方向 swing sb from sth to sth 使某人突然改变观点或情绪 1). She ________ (swing) her legs from side to side. 2). He swings _______ wild optimism ___total despair. swung from to 8.charge vt. 控告,指控;要价 n.控告;费用;负责 charge sb.with sth.控告某人犯某罪 charge(sb.)for sth.为某事收(某人的)费用 free of charge免费 in charge of sth.负责…… in the charge of sb.由某人负责(=in sb’s charge) take charge of...接管,控制 运用:用适当的词填空或完成句子。 ⑴ The man they arrested last night has been charged________murder. ⑵ The restaurant charged us $40_____ the wine. ⑶ Your order will be delivered free_____ charge. of with for ⑷ Who is ___________ (负责) the shop? ⑸ He will ________________ (负责) the department while I am away. ⑹ The files were left______________(负责) you. in the charge of in charge of take charge of gain/obtain admission to/int


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