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图: 系统的四个组成要素 The Four Parts of a System 开放系统 Open system Continually interacts with its environment 持续与环境互动的系统。 封闭系统 Closed system 不与环境互动的系统。 Has little interaction with its environment 2.5 系统观点 Systems Viewpoint 2.6 权变观点 Contingency Viewpoint 权变观点 Contingency viewpoint 管理的方式要随着个人及环境情況的变化而有所不同。 emphasizes that a manager’s approach should vary according to the individual and the environmental situation 最切合实际的观点,因为它对每个个案的不同,分別提出问題与解決之道。 most practical because it addresses problems on a case-by-case basis 陈老师评管理学期末成绩时,会依照每位学生的学习态度、课堂表現、个人背景因素来做调整。这是什么观点之例? 行为 Behavioral Viewpoint 系统 Systems Viewpoint 专案 PM Viewpoint 权变 Contingency Viewpoint Case study IV 2.7 质量管理观点 Quality Control Quality Assurance 品质控制 Quality Control 借由管理生产过程的各个程序,使错误减到最低的策略。 the strategy for minimizing errors by managing each stage of production 品质保证 Quality Assurance 着重于员工绩效,鼓励员工达到零缺点目标。 focuses on the performance of workers, urging employees to strive for “zero defects” 全面品管 (TQM) 公司全面性地做到持续的品质改善、训练及顾客满意。 comprehensive approach led by top management and supported throughout the organization-dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction 代表人物:戴明与朱伦 Deming, Juran 2.7 质量管理观点 Quality Control Quality Assurance 全面质量管理 Total Quality Management 使「持续改善」成为最优先的事情。 Make continuous improvement a priority 品管是每个人的事情。 Get every employee involved 倾听顾客及员工的声音并向他们学习。Listen to and learn from customers and employees 利用正确的标准来确认及解决问题。Use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems (benchmarking) 2.8 学习型组织 The Learning Organization 学习型组织 The Learning Organization 能够创造、获得和传播知识并修正行为以适应环境变化和知识更新的组织。 organization that actively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge within itself and is able to modify its behavior to reflect new knowledge 如何建立学习型组织 How to build a learning organization 建立学习的承諾。 B


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