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中国企业在境外上市的状况的利弊分析和策略建议 ? ? ? 摘要 伴随着中国加入WTO,在国内市场逐渐对外开放,世界经济渐趋一体化的大背景下,一些垄断型企业强烈地需要尽快走出国门,积累国际化发展的经验,以期扩大国际影响,提升国际竞争力,境外证券市场为这一要求提供了广阔的舞台。但境外上市道路并不平坦,无论是改革中大型国企,还是成长中的中小民企,境外上市都并非一帆风顺。如何从众多的问题中汲取教训以避免类似事件的再次发生,诸多已境外上市和准备境外上市的企业在境外上市后应当注意哪些问题,如何妥善地安排企业境外上市,都是值得我们认真研究和思考的。论文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,首先对中国企业境外上市进行了概述,接着研究境外上市迅速发展的原因,然后对我国企业境外上市的利弊进行了分析,最后给出了我国企业境外上市的建议和策略。 ? 关键词:上市公司;原因;优势;弊端;策略 Abstract ?? In addition, under the background of China accession to the WTO, domestic market opening to the outside world, the gradually integrated international economy, some monopoly enterprise ugly need go out as soon as possible and accumulate internationalized experience, in the hope of expanding international influence, promoting the international competitiveness. The overseas security market has offered the broad stage for these companies. Although the tide of overseas listing is surging, being in the ascendant, for the medium-and-large-sized state-owned enterprise and growing medium and small private enterprises, the road is uneven. How to draw the lessons from numerous problems? Which questions should we pay attention to while listed or to be listed? How to arrange overseas IPOs properly? It is worth for us to study and think conscientiously. In foundation of the summary of the predecessor research result, first, The paper carried on the outline of the cross-border listing of our country, then studied cause of the rapidly growth of cross-border listing, and analysis the advantages and defects of cross-border listing ,finally gave suggestions and the countermeasure of cross-border listing for our enterprise . ? Key words: cross-border listing; Reason; Advantage; Defects; Countermeasure ? 目录 ? 摘要... 2 Abstract 3 一、中国企业境外上市的基本概况... 6 (一)中国企业境外上市的发展阶段... 6 (二)我国企业境外上市呈现出的特点... 7 1、企业境外上市的增势迅猛... 7 2、我国企业境外上市融资区域主要集中在香港和美国... 8 3、我国境外上市企业绝大多数是中国的500强企业... 8 二、中国企业境外上市的原因分析... 8 (一)拓展融资空间... 8 (二)改善资本结构... 8 (三)转换治理机制... 9 (四)企业适应国际化发展... 10 (五)政府的大力推动和支持... 10 三、中国企业境外上市的利弊分析... 11 (一


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