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* * * Two billion people watch Barco every day Every day, over two billion people watch Barco display technology in action, as they tune in for their local or national news broadcasts. Television studios equipped with Barco visualization technology include China-based CCTV, with 1.2 billion viewers, India’s Network 18 with hundreds of millions of viewers, and the 40 million people who watch BBC News every day. Other large broadcasters that use Barco technology are KBS and MBC, the top two television companies in South Korea, the United Arab Emirates’ Dubai TV and the international HBO in Asia. * * * * * Helping over 2.5 billion commuters get home safely every day Throughout the world’s major economic regions, Barco’s visualization technology is indispensable to traffic and security centers. In and around cities such as New York, Oslo, Vienna, Washington D.C. and Hamburg, Barco display technology helps operators to better control traffic flows, respond quickly to crisis situations, and keep public transportation passengers well-informed. In this way, Barco helps over 2.5 billion commuters start and end their working days as efficiently as possible. * * * * ? * * * * * * * * * * 1. 模块化液晶方案:应用于应急指挥中心、交通指挥监控中心、C4I环境、过程控制中心、广播和电信监控中心。 ”一旦领会易用性,我们的操作员真正接受巴可视频屏幕墙” 加拿大安大略省 PowerStream 运营总监 John McClean ”巴可在出色图像质量、可靠性和易用性方面享有盛誉, 为我们提供完美解决方案” 西班牙马德里 Barajas 机场副总监 Dimitris Bountolos ”巴可传输监控超越我们对可靠、灵活和可扩展解决方案的期望” 中国广东省广东电视台总工程师 ECU-100 CMS控制室控制协作系统 OVL/OL高端 Transform N MVL标准拼接 NSL液晶拼接 LDX单屏 控制室全线产品 拼接显示单元:DLP+LCD Overview 家族产品比较 当今控制室需求 LED光源 VS 灯光源 总的投资 / 后期维护成本 控制室7/24小时,长时间运行 系统高可靠性 色彩画面真实一致性 节能环保 维护使用方便简单 第三代LED光源 Sense5 自动调节系统 LED光源6倍冗余技术 巴可独特液冷技术 低噪音 超长使用寿命 节能模式 标准屏前亮度,最佳视觉感受 符合人体工学 模块化设计 M系列:重新定义控制室显示要求 国际红点设计大奖 Sense6色彩自动调节系统 内置分光仪主动测量色彩 缝合技术,无缝拼接(0.2mm) 全冗余设计:LED/电源/接口 前维护设计,业内最薄箱体 支持3D主动立体信号 O系列:应对最严苛的需求 OverView - O系列 ? OL OLF OLS OVL 宽高比 16 :9 16 :9 16 :9 4 :3 分辨率 Full HD WXGA Full HD WXGA Full HD WXGA SXGA+ XGA 尺寸 50/70英


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