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2010 1 3 1 # # 1* 2 3 夏迎秋 景鑫亮 段沁江 1. 江苏省卫生厅 江苏南京 210008 2. 南京大学政府管理学院 江苏南京 210093 3. 江苏省职工医科大学 江苏南京 210008 =摘 要医疗保障作为城乡居民生存和发展的基本需求, 是/ 城乡统筹发展0的重要保证现行的城乡 基本医疗保险制 建设取得了明显的成效, 提高了城乡居民抵御疾病风险的能力, 缓解了居民/ 看病难看病 贵0的压力但城乡分治的医疗保险制 在推进过程中也存在着 一些问题, 如法律保障欠缺卫生资源分配不 均制 衔接困难统筹层次低等因而, 必须加强城乡医保制 尤其是城镇居民医保和新型农村合作医疗之 间的制 衔接, 逐步建立城乡 一体化的医疗保障制 , 推进城乡社会经济协调发展 =关键词基本医疗保险; 城乡 一体化; 衔接; 全民覆盖 中图分类号: R 19711 文献标识码: A doi: 10. 3969/ j. issn. 1674-2982. 2010. 01. 009 Status quo, prob lem s and recomm endation s on the convergence of urban- rural basic m ed ical insuran ce system in Ch ina 1 2 3 XIA Ying-qiu , JING X in-liang , DUAN Qin-j iang 1. H ealth D epartment of Jiangsu rovince, Jiangsu Nanj ing 210008, China 2. School of Governmen,t Nanj ing University, Jiangsu Nanj ing 210093, China 3. School of M edicalWorkers in Jiangsu rovince, Jiangsu Nanj ing 210008, China =A bstract As the basic needs of s rvival and development for rban and r ral residents, them edical sec rity is an essential ass rance for balancing both rban and r ral development. The c rrent mi plementation of r ral and r- ban basicmed ical ins rance system contin e to increase the capacity against the financial risk of d isease for all res-i dents, more or less ease the press re of/ seeing doctor is diffic lty and expensive0. However, the segmentation of r - ral and rban m edical ins rance has a negative mi pact on the process of balancing r ral and rban areas, for in- stance, lack of legal protection, neven distrib tion of reso rces, instit tional convergence d iffic ltie


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