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温度采集智能家居热水器  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 温度采集智能家居热水器  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT VII 郑州轻院轻工职业学院 专科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 温度采集智能家居热水器 学生姓名 专业班级 学 号 系 别 指导教师(职称) 完成时间 2016年3月20日 温度采集智能家居热水器 摘 要 随着社会的发展,人类科技的进步,各行各业都在使自己的产品智能化、数字化,因老式的热水器使用煤气或天然气对水进行燃烧加热,用手动的方式调节温度,不仅不能够精确的确定使用者需要的水温,而且还存在一定的危险性。 电热水器是一种可供浴室、洗手间及厨房使用的家用电器,随着人们生活质量的提高,现代的家用电热水器已经摒弃了以前的做法,而采用一种更加精确、安全的实施方案。 C语言对单片机编程有诸多优点,例如:便于移植、句法检查时错误少、坚固性好、头文件种类诸多,能够方便快捷使用各种函数等。本文采用STC89C52单片机作为控制器,使用C语言编写程序,设计了一款智能家用电热水器。使用按键键盘设定温度,温度可以精确到0.1摄氏度,并使用LED灯显示,能够精确提供用户所需温度的温水。采用DS18B20采集温度,使用LED灯显示,精确的显示出采集的水温。当所需温度高于当前采集的水温时,使用继电器控制外接加热源,当所需温度低于当前采集的水温时,继电器断开不加热。当所需温度高于采集温度时,继电器吸合开始加热。基本实现了智能控制功能。 关键字:18B20、STC89C52、热水器 ABSTRACT With the development of society, the progress of human science and technology, in all walks of life to make their products intelligent, digital, because the water heater using old-fashioned gas or natural gas is burned to heat water, adjust the temperature manually, not only can the user needs to be accurately determined, and there is some risk. Electric water heater is a kind of household appliances for bathroom and kitchen, restroom use, along with the improvement of peoples living quality, household electric water heater modern have rejected the previous practice, and by using a more accurate, safe implementation plan. The C language has many advantages, such as: microcomputer programming for transplantation, syntax check error less, robust, head file type many, can be convenient to use a variety of functions. This paper adopts STC89C52 MCU as the controller, the use of C programming language, designed a intelligent home electric water heater. Use the keyboard to set the temperature, the temperature can be accurate to 0.1 degrees Celsius, and the use of LED lights display, can accurately provide the required temperature of warm wate


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