七年级下Lesson 45 Baseball season课件 -.ppt

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七年级下Lesson 45 Baseball season课件 -

Review Bill likes playing ____ basketball but he doesn’t like playing ____ piano. A. the the B. / the C. the / D. / 2. I heard that Xi’an is a good place _____ sightseeing. A.for go B. to going C. to go D. / going 3. How about _____ basketball tomorrow A .play B. to play C. plays D. playing 4. _____ a good summer holiday A. Having B. To have C. Have D. Has 5.Jill and Kay _____ with their class tomorrow. A. are going to hiking B. are going hiking C. go to hiking D. is going hiking Lead-in 1、Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do during summer? Think about follow question and talk about : Lesson 45 Baseball season Review Studying words baseball n. 棒球 snack n.点心;小吃 pop n. 汽水 If [if] conj.如果;假若 ever adv.曾经;究竟;到底 root [ru:t] n. v. 加油 shame n. 羞愧;惭愧 Translate 1.与…比赛__________ 2.带……出去_________ 3为…加油,为…打气______________4回来__________ 5.打棒球___________ 6.效力于…_____________ 7…的名字__________ 8.我最喜欢的运动_____ 9. 在周末___________ 10.零食和汽水_________ 12.一些热狗_________ 13.许多零食__________ 14.很遗憾___________ 16.主队___________ 17.棒球迷 _______________ 18.?一个关于棒球的流行的歌曲__________________ 19.一项有趣的运动 _________________ play against take … out root for… get back play baseball play for… the name of… favourite sport On weekends snacks and pop some hot dogs a lots of snacks It ‘s a shame the home team baseball fan a popular song about baseball a fun sport Finish “let’s do it (2)” 合作探究 My family and friends will come and watch me play watch 1、观看,注视 watch, see, hear,这些都是感官动词, 常用结构: 看见/听见某人做了,或经常做某事 watch, see, hear + sb. + do 看见/听见某人正在做某事 watch/see/ hear + sb. + doing Eg :I often watch them _____ tennis The child is watching the dog _____ (eat). play eating 2、辨析“watch, look, 与 see 的区别: ①watch “观看,注视”指较长时间的集中注意力看,看电视、看比赛,后面可以直接加宾 语。 ② Look 表示主动地,有意识的看,侧重看的动作,常用作不及物动词,接宾语是前面加 at.如看黑板 ③see 通常指看的结果,意思为“看见,看到” ,但看电影用 see


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