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Dragon cultureTianlong (Chinese: 天龙; literally heavenly dragon), celestial dragon that guards heavenly palaces and pulls divine chariots; Also a name for Draco (constellation)天龙:守卫天庭,拉神车Shenlong (Chinese: 神龙; literally god dragon), thunder god that controls the weather, appearance of a human head, dragons body, and drum-like stomach  神龙:掌管天气的雷神,长着人身龙头,和鼓一样的肚子(参考东海龙王……)Fucanglong (Chinese: 伏藏龙; literally hidden treasure dragon), underworld guardian of precious metals and jewels, associated with volcanoes  伏藏龙:地下世界金银珠宝的守卫,主管火山Dilong (Chinese: 地龙; literally earth dragon), controller of rivers and seas; also a name for earthworm  地龙:掌管五湖四海,决江开渎Yinglong (Chinese: 应龙; literally responding dragon), winged dragon associated with rains and floods, used by Huangdi to kill Chi You  应龙:修得千年、长出了双翼的龙,相传应龙是上古时期黄帝的神龙,它曾奉黄帝之令讨伐过蚩尤,并杀了蚩尤而成为功臣。Jiaolong(Chinese: 蛟龙; literally crocodile dragon), hornless or scaled dragon, leader of all aquatic animals  蛟龙:无角的龙,蛟千年化为龙,龙五百年为角龙,千年为应龙。是水中霸主Panlong(Chinese: 蟠龙; literally coiled dragon), lake dragon that has not ascended to heaven  蟠龙:湖中之龙,蛰伏在地而未升天Huanglong(Chinese: 黄龙; literally yellow dragon), hornless dragon symbolizing the emperor  黄龙:无角之龙,往往用来象征帝王Feilong (Chinese: 飞龙; literally flying dragon), winged dragon that rides on clouds and mist  飞龙:生得双翼能腾云驾雾之龙  Qinglong(Chinese: 青龙;LiterallyAzure Dragon), the animal associated with the East in the Chinese Four Symbols, mythological creatures in the Chinese constellations青龙:是四灵之一,主管东方链接:/read/culture/chinajr/152155.html【以下来自百度文库】Chinese Tea Culture西湖龙井资讯平台7月12日讯:中国茶文化很深厚,怎么向外国人介绍呢?且看下面的双语对照翻译。(中国茶文化中英文对照翻译(图) 作者:佚名 稿件来源:国际在线 上传日期:2011-07-12 21:38:33)  In the west there is a popular saying, “I wouldn’t give it up for all the tea in China.” For example: I love my new sports car so much, I wouldn’t give it up for all the tea in China; or, These sunglasses are soo cool, I wouldn’t trade them for all the tea in China.   (翻译:俚语“I wouldn’t give it up for all the tea in China”。就算是用全中国的茶来还我也不要换。以前中国的茶


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