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Robert Frost (1874--1963) Life and Writing Career was born in San Francisco, but he came of New England stock His ancestors for nine generations lived in Massachusetts. When he was 10 years old, his father died. moved back to New England where his mother taught to earn a living. Frost entered college twice, once in Harvard University. After he got married, he did various jobs in order to support the family. He taught and farmed for 12 years. Nature and rural surroundings became for Frost a source for insights into deeper design of life. He once said: Literature begins with geography. Life and Writing Career Then he moved to England, where he published his first book of poems: A Boy’s Will at the age of 39. In 1912 Frost sold his farm and took his wife and four young children to England. . 1914 It was followed by NORTH BOSTON (1914), which gained international reputation. The collection contains some of Frosts best-known poems: Mending Wall, The Death of the Hired Man, Home Burial, A Servant to Servants, After Apple-Picking, and The Wood-Pile.‘ The poems, written with blank verse or looser free verse of dialogue, were drawn from his own life, recurrent losses, everyday tasks, and his loneliness. With the great success, he went back to U.S.A and settled on a New Hampshire farm. Continued his poetry writing and became a professor at Harvard. His main works include: Mountain Interval (山间), West-Running Brook(西流的小溪) In the clearing (林间空地) awarded Pulitzer Prize for four times 1920 His wife died in 1938 and he lost four of his children. Two of his daughters suffered mental breakdowns, and his son Carol, a frustrated poet and farmer, committed suicide. Frost also suffered from depression and the continual self-doubt led him to cling to the desire to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. After the death of his wife, Frost became strongly attracted to Kay Morrison, whom he employed as his secretary and adviser. Frost also composed for her one of h


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