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;;1、history;;culture;Coal layer discovered in 1992 in Yunnan Baoshan County Yangyi water ditch coal mine in. Fossil bones and a premolar. The geological age of the late Miocene to Pliocene, about 800 - 4000000 years. The morphology of the mandible like lufengpithecus, but the molar crown width than the short, lufengpithecus closer to australopithecus. Australopithecus from ape to the main representative of the evolutionary process, between Baoshan hominoid just between lufengpithecus and australopithecus. Therefore, it fills in a gap in the history of human evolution.;Ancient Tea Route (茶马古道);腾冲国殇墓园;;Ordered by when, with very sharp long knife 72 or 36 long knife, were tied to the two 20-meter-high pine logs, the blade facing up, erected after the priest around the arbor around while incantations while jumping ritual dance. After the end of bolstering the priest, the Lisu by two unarmed man, barefoot stepping on the blade, grasp Daoti very swiftly ordered to climb down until ordered by the top, and then performing a variety of high-difficulty volley tumbling action. After ordered from the other side of the blade to go down down down. The moment when the last one blade, around two in the arbor with a sharp long knife, blade facing up, so ordered by people standing on the knifes edge, set up under the leadership of the priests after circling a week, both front and back for him brandish open. The end of a person ordered by palms, soles of the feet no scars.;Under the sea of ??fire, the first burning bonfire, to be met Tan, the priest began while knocking Mans rim around the fire jump, then bend rolled up trousers, barefoot Ah, step in the bright coals , the shuttle in Fo Tan heap, and use Tan wash, chewing and roll until all coals of fire extinguished. After the priest led by the flames, the entire staff, gongs, singing and dancing while knocking Mans, and all participants were unscathed.;Dai Songkran is the most solemn festival, Yunnan Minority impact was greatest, l



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