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How to express emotions and feelings in Task-writing Case study---- How to express emotions and feelings in Task-writing Key words in the letter : worried about; concerned; beg 1. 你读信后的感受; I appreciate what you say and am sorry to have caused you so much worry. I’m also touched that you understand my reasons for being attracted to such activities. I am thankful to you for what you have said in your email. I understand what you are worried about. I am very sorry to have?kept you?being worried about me. Finish the writing task (sample 5)in the handout ⑴ 你读后的感受 (2011年广州高三综合测试一 ) Group work: peer-assessment Read your own writing to your partner. Give comments to each other. Possible version After reading the story, I feel very sorry for the student who ruined his promising future just for some short-term benefits. It is undisputable that honesty plays an important role in our life. Without the quality of honesty, like the student above , real success could never be attained. Assignment Assignment * * Warming up ---- Express your feelings Malaysia Airline MH370 disappeared during the flight to Beijing. The plane with all the people on board cannot be found yet. “I feel terrible for the incident. I believe they are all good people and each and everyone of them has a family. Their families must be devastated.” --Hahfisar Nadazri, a 28-year-old teacher. Expressing feelings in Task-writing (你读 ... 之后的感受、心情) 其他地市和学校的模拟考,联考均有出现 13届第四次六校联考 14届第三次六校联考 13年茂名“二模” 高考 广州市模拟考 11年广州市“一模”“二模” 12年广州市“一模” 广州市调研考 08,09,10年广州市调研考 07,08年高考 Mother’s concern about her son; A student’s first year in college; A farmer grow corn by sharing seeds; A dishonest student failed in every interview ; Related Topics Writing requirements 1. 你读信后的感受; 1.对中学生活的感受; 1. 你对文中故事的看法及感受; 1. 你读文章后的感受 ◆ Step 1 to choose the tone ● Sample One A letter from a mother ’12年广州市一模 Tips: 1. Read closely for emotions 2. Underline the key words for emotions which decide your tone Wo


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