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Unit7 Where would you like to visit?;Paris; Do you know Paris? the place where you can feel romantic;巴黎夜景;时装之都;Luxury Goods;French perfume(香水) [?p?:fju:m];浪漫之都 香榭丽舍大街 Champs Elysee;艺术之都 左岸文化;咖啡馆;购物天堂;游船;Europe;;consider doing lively in general wine convenient translate underground train including ;Reading;;Listen and answer the questions. 1.Is traveling around Paris by taxi cheap? 2.Is wine very expensive in Paris? 3.What is Paris famous for? ; 1.the of France 2.one of the cities in Europe.; For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe. It doesn’t have any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world. ;Read the second paragraph, and write “T” or “F” in front of the sentences.;Read the third paragraph, and answer the questions.;Report: ;It is one of the liveliest cities…. ; Do you know why most Frenchmen don’t like English ?;Sample conversation 1: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: I’d like to visit Kunming. A: Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? B: Yes, it is. I’m only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights.;Explanation;2. Paris is the capital of France, and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.;5. So unless you speak French yourself, it’s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you.;Sample conversation 1: A: Where would you like to go, Kathy? B: I’d like to visit Kunming. A: Isn’t it supposed to be very hot? B: Yes, it is. I’m only going to pack light clothes. But Kunming is also beautiful, and it has lots of wonderful sights.;Lets summary!;Homework;Let’s practice!;;Notre Dame Cathedral;Eiffel Tower ; Champagne 香槟 [??m?pein]; Brandy 白兰地 [?br?ndi]


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