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33 1 Vol. 33, . 1 2006 1 App lied Science and Technology Jan. 2006 : 1009- 671X ( 2006) 01- 0007- 03 王秀君, 和应民, 木建一 (哈尔滨工程大学 信息与通信工程学院, 黑龙江 哈尔滨 1 0001) : . , , 2, . , , . : ; ; : TN912. 3 : A An effective speech pitch period extraction algorithm WANG X iu-jun , HE Y ing-m in, MU Jian-yi ( School of Inform ation and Comm un ication Engineering, H arb in Engineering University, H arb in 1 0001, Ch ina) Abs tract: It is mi portant to get an accurate pitch period of special speech in speech signal process. An effectivemeth- od is in itiated in th ispaper, in wh ich pitch period of voice is extracted by themeans of displacementmatching in seg- emen.t Th is can effectively prevent from judging two smi ilarwaves in one period of cycle as wt o periods of cycle. It can also prevent the possib ility of getting the period-doubling at the same tmi e. A series of expermi ents have proved that the pitch period extracted by this method is accurate and the systhesized speech of a given people is satisfactory. K eyword s: p itch detection; autorelevant; speech synthesis , . , . . , , . , , , , . [ 1] . , , 2 改进的基音周期检测算法 , . , , 2 2 . . . 1 传统基音周期的提取 1.


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