A Study of Shakespeare’s Creative Style.doc

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A Study of Shakespeare’s Creative Style

A Study of Shakespeare’s Creative Style   山?|省潍坊第一中学 【Abstract】In the Renaissance, in the history of British literature, there was a great writer ―― Shakespeare. In his life, he created numerous works and the most famous are four tragedies, four comedies. In Shakespeares life creation process, his creative style is not conservative, but changing with the background of the times and his own experience. 【Key words】Shakespeare; creative style William Shakespeare is a great writer of the British Renaissance, leaving dozens of plays and hundreds of poems for later generations. His artistic creation style is unique. Marx has praised him as “the greatest comic genius of mankind”. Shakespeare’s dramatic creation can be divided into three stages: early, middle and late stages. Each stage reveals a deep humanistic sentiment. 1. Shakespeares early creative style In the early days of Shakespeare’s creation, Queen Elizabeth was in power. At that time the British political stability, economic prosperity and development, literary rich. Enlightened political environment and a stable life, which made Shakespeare full of hope on the development of the Renaissance. Advocating the humanistic ideal of life is the main feature of Shakespeare’s works during this period. The representative works are comedy “Midsummer Night’s Dream” and the poem “Venus and Adonis”, and the whole creation often uses lyrical way. During this period, his creation has a bright and optimistic color, but also showed a strong romantic feeling. This is the first period of Shakespeares creation, the entire creation process is his creation of gold period. 2. Shakespeares medium-term creative style In the midst of Shakespeare’s creation, the historical environment at that time was full of social conflicts in England. During this period, he created some tragedies of criticism of the dark society. Most of these tragedies based on the decadent feudal aristocracy and the suffering of the people


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