A Study of The Storm from the Perspective of Eco―feminism.doc

A Study of The Storm from the Perspective of Eco―feminism.doc

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A Study of The Storm from the Perspective of Eco―feminism

A Study of The Storm from the Perspective of Eco―feminism   天津外??语大学 【Abstract】The Storm was written by Kate Chopin. The study finds that this story reflects the process of female awareness of their identity and independent spirit appertaining to the situation of nature under the restrain of the patriarchal society. 【Key words】Kate Chopin; female awareness; eco-feminism 1. Introduction Eco-feminism was first introduced by Francoise dEaudone in her book Le Feminism ou La Mort(Feminism or Death)published in 1974, which is the combination of the womens liberation and the ecological movement. Eco-feminists believe that the female and nature hold the same position in a male dominated world. It attempts to explore a special relationship between women and nature. Meanwhile, it tries to promote a new relation between women and nature harmoniously coexisting with each other.(M. H. Abrams, 2004: 135) 2. Bobin?t and Alcées Escape from Nature In the opening lines of The Storm, the depiction of nature is covered by the depressed ambience, featured as still leaves, somber clouds and a sullen, threatening roar, which extends us a sense of terror. Besides, it is the storm that deters Bobin?t from returning home. In this sense, the storm is a hindrance to Bobin?t, which indirectly leaves room for Calixtas freedom at home and her extramarital affair. To mention Alcée, the other male character is also as an escapist from nature-the rain. As the big rain drops begin to fall, he rode his horse under the shelter of a side projection. 3. Calixtas Affinity with Nature The author displays the scene prior to the coming of the storm, which can be interpreted as the voice of her own depression of her marriage. When her previous lover finds a shelter in her house, the author shows us nature a “The rain beat upon the low, shingled roof with a force and clatter that threatened to break an entrance and deluge them there”. The voice of nature parallels with her sexual



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