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ECONOMY(经济学) 级别 编号 期刊名称 A+ 1 American Economic Review 2 Econometric 3 Journal of Political Economy 4 Quarterly Journal of Economics 5 Review of Economic Studies A 1 Economic Journal 2 Games and Economic Behavior 3 International Economic Review 4 Journal of American Statistical Association 5 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 6 Journal of Econometrics 7 Journal of Economic Theory 8 Journal of Finance 9 Journal of Human Resources 10 Journal of International Economics 11 Journal of Labor Economics 12 Journal of Monetary Economics 13 Journal of Public Economics 14 Rand Journal of Economics 15 Review of Economics and Statistics B B 1 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2 American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 4 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 5 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 6 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 7 American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 8 Demography 9 Economic Development and Cultural Chang 10 Economic Inquiry 11 Econometric Theory 12 Economic Theory 13 European Economic Review 14 International Journal of Industrial Organization 15 Journal of Applied Econometrics 16 Journal of Comparative Economics 17 Journal of Development Economics 18 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 19 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 20 Journal of Economic Geography 21 Journal of Economic Growth 22 Journal of Economic History 23 Journal of Economic Literature 24 Journal of Economic Perspectives 25 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 26 Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 27 Journal of European Economic Association 28 Journal of Financial Economics 29 Journal of Health Economics 30 Journal of Industrial Economics 31 Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 32 Journal of Mathematical Economics 33 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 34


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