反相器设计 candence.docx

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反相器设计 candence

Experiment one: inverter designThe purpose of the experiment1、Learning and mastering the cadence graphical input and simulation method; 2、master the principle and design method of basic inverter; 3、master inverter voltage transmission characteristic curve of VTC test methodExperimental contentThis experiment is mainly using cadence software to design a basic inverter, and the simulation tool analog artist (spectre) to test the inverter voltage transfer characteristic curve, and rendering and inverter layout verificationExperimental procedureThe inverter principle drawing in the cadence environment as shown in the figure.Simulation of the voltage transfer characteristic curve of INVIn the figure chosen to connect the input and output of the inverter wire simulationsimulation resultOutput waveformDraw a CMOS inverter. Painting layout should be strictly following the design rules (tsmc0.25rule.pdf), that is, to meet the minimum spacing, minimum bounding, minimum extension, minimum width, etc.. The drawing process of inverter layoutDRC(design rule check)Design rule checkExperimental summaryThrough the experiment, I learned how to use the cadence design of inverter circuit, and simulation, and also learn the drawing and inverter layout verification, make me have a more profound understanding of the circuit simulation. These experiences will benefit me in my study and work in the future.


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