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喝水不够对身体造成的不良后果 Besides the fact that youd literally die without it, there are many, MANY imperative reasons to drink water frequently, every single day. It starts out pretty mild - you might feel thirsty and have a dry mouth. But the long-term effects of not drinking enough water not only have an effect on your weight (in a bad way), but theyre also extremely dangerous and life-threatening. Heres what happens to your body – 毫不夸张地说,没有水,人就会死,除了这一后果之外,还有许多许多重要的原因来提醒你每天要多喝水。开始的时候会比较缓慢——你或许会感觉到口干舌燥。但是长期以来饮水量不足的话,不仅会对你的体重造成影响(不好的影响),而且甚至会比较危险,以至于威胁生命安全。下面就是喝水不够对身体造成的不良后果: Milder Symptoms: Even mild dehydration has strong effects. Heres how youll feel with a lack of H2O (hint: its really not fun). 轻微症状:即使是轻度脱水,影响也会很严重。下面看一下脱水的感觉(提示:这真的一点也不有趣。) 1.Fatigue, tiredness, sleepiness 乏力、疲惫、失眠 2.Headache 头疼 3.Constipation 便秘 4.Dizziness 头晕 Severe Symptoms: If things get worse, so do your symptoms. These are the go to the hospital signs. 严重症状:如果脱水变严重的话,你的症状也会严重。下面这些是“需要去医院”的迹象。 1.Low blood pressure, with a rapid heartbeat 血压低,心跳加快 2.Fever 发烧 3.Delirium, unconsciousness 精神错乱,无意识 Latent Effects: Consistently not drinking enough water for an extended period of time has its effect as well. Although you may brush off the milder side effects, your body is still suffering - and several of these have a significant bearing on weight gain. 潜在影响:长期饮水不足也会有影响。虽然你或许没有那些轻微的症状,但是你的身体也在煎熬——而且这些对体重都会有重要作用。 1.Low water, slow metabolism. Your bodys ability to remove waste and detoxify is inhibited. In addition, your metabolism is slower without water. One study found that drinking 16 ounces of water daily increases your metabolic rate by 30 percent. Guys. Thats literally ONE standard-size water bottle. JUST DRINK IT. 饮水少,代谢慢。你的身体排除废物和毒物的能力受阻。此外,代谢会因为缺水而减慢。一项研究表明,每天饮用16盎司的水,可以提高30的代谢率。大家注意,这仅仅是书面上说的饮水杯的标准尺寸。喝吧! 2.Increased hunger. When youre somewhat dehydrated, your body confuses it for hunger, causing you to eat when you dont need to. 饥饿会更加明显。当你有点缺水的时候,你的身体会混淆成饥饿的状况,让你在不用吃东西的时候吃好多。 1.long-term effects


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