国际商务函电第十二章Unit12 Urging Establishment of LC.ppt

国际商务函电第十二章Unit12 Urging Establishment of LC.ppt

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国际商务函电第十二章Unit12 Urging Establishment of LC

L/C an irrevocable L/C opened by letter shipment 一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment 在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots/installments 在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots/ installments 分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments 分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments 返回 Exercise Ⅳ 先生: 关于我方第005号售货确认书项下150 公吨化肥,我方已按合同如期备妥,交货期日益临近。我们不知你们是否对第一批75 公吨。5/6月份装运的货物已经开出有关信用证?请尽快开证,以便我方顺利势执行这项订单。 为避免随后修改信用证,务请注意信用证规定条款严格与合同相符。 如蒙速复,不胜感激。 此致 Unit twelve Urging Establishment of L/C (催开信用证) ExerciseⅠ Exercise Ⅱ Exercise Ⅲ Exercise Ⅳ Keys to Exercises Unit twelve Urging Establishment of L/C (催开信用证) Exercise ⅠTranslate the following terms and expressions: A. 1.关于 2. 提请你方注意……的事实 3. 要求你方做某事 4. 使某人能够做某事 5. 按时装运 6.与……相符 7.临近 8.赶上旺销季节 9.立即关注/办理 10.第125号订项下的货物 Unit twelve Urging Establishment of L/C (催开信用证) Exercise ⅠTranslate the following terms and expressions: B. 1.covering/relevant/relative L/C 2.be in exact accordance with…. 3.captioned Sales Contract 4.under Contract No………. 5.so far 6.subsequent amendment 7.L/C clauses 8.Please see to it that…… 9.draft agreement 10.urge for the establishment by L/C Unit twelve Urging Establishment of L/C (催开信用证) Exercise Ⅰ 1. We regret that we cannot comply with your request for payment by D/P at sight. 2.? To our disappointment, we haven’t received your L/C against your order No. 123. 3.? We will try to meet your requirements despite the fact that we have difficulty in obtaining new supplies. 4.? We are appreciative of your letter of March 12, in which you ask us for a better price of our raincoat. Unit twelve Urging Establishment of L/C (催开信用证) Exercise Ⅰ 5.?In vie


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