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* * Unit 1 Interview English Part I Communication Words and Expressions joint-venture 合资企业 clerical adj. 文书的 bilingual adj. 双语的 assignment n. 任务,分配 health insurance 医疗保险 benefits n. 福利 synthetical adj. 综合的 glass ceiling 限制晋升的障碍 internship n. 实习期 multi-tasked adj. 多任务的 personality traits 人格特征 motivate v. 鼓励 鼓动 frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的 pay-scale 薪金标准 Important sentences What is your major? Have you taken any business classes or anything? Have you ever worked in an office before? What did you do? Office work? Why did you answer our ad? Do you have any questions youd like to ask me about company? Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Why did you leave your last job? What makes your think you would be successful in this position? Are you a multi-tasked individual, that is to say, do you work well under stress and pressure? What leadership qualities have you developed as an administration personnel? What personality traits do you admire, then? What leadership qualities have you developed as an administration personnel? What do you find frustrating in a work situation? How do you handle conflicts with your colleagues in your work? How do you handle your failure? How long would you like to stay with this company? What range of pay-scale are you interested in? Exercises I 1.a.human resource management b.marketing promotion c. office clerical work 2.a.salary b.promotion opportunity c.benefits like health insurance,traffic subsidy 3.a.I’m honest,diligent and responsible b.I can work well under stress and pressure c. Im good at motivating people and leading them to work together as a team. II Do you have any working experience? Because I felt that I had reached the “glass ceiling ” in my previous job. I have three years of successful experience ranging from sales representitative to management of marketing department. I have passed CET, Band 6 in m


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