国际商务英语谈判实训silk Selling(Part A).ppt

国际商务英语谈判实训silk Selling(Part A).ppt

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国际商务英语谈判实训silk Selling(Part A)

Silk Selling 院 系:法政与经贸学院 班 级:国贸10-3班 小组成员:第3小组part A(傅玉萍 周叶、李璐含、颜欢) Background Having a negotiation but do not reach a contract. Our silk samples are quite well, and we think we offer them a favorable price. However, they think it’s a very high price and they have a very hard attitude. The members of the negotiation team Chief negotiator: Yanhuan(颜欢) Decision maker: Fuyuping(傅玉萍) Technical consultant: Zhouye(周叶) Legal consultant: Liluhan(李璐含) Negotiation goals peace negotiation. To reach an agreement according to our demands, and to acquire the corresponding profits and shares. and establish a friendly and long-term relationship. The analysis of the superiority and inferiority of both parties. 1、the seller’s analysis of the superiority and inferiority 1.Our strengths: (1) The product patterns are designed to cater to different culture, customs and tastes. (2) It is new product that can attractive many consumers. (3)?the products were sold at European market, the price could reach as high as $ 30. (4) the product is unique and specific. One、the seller’s analysis of the superiority and inferiority 2. our weaknesses: (1)Silk products manufactured in the mainland were reduced from 90% t0 10%. (2)This products is the mew product, and consumers do not know many about it (3)this products’ market always in Asian, and in European the market is small. Two、the buyer’s analysis of the superiority and inferiority 1.The other party’s strengths: (1)European market is a big market? (2)their company have a big market in ?Europe. They can help me to open the oversea market (3)the prices of the similar products in Italy, France, America and Europe. 2.The other party’s weaknesses: (1)they urgently need this product (2)we give a too high price Procedure Ⅰ.Beginning A. To begin with a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. B. If they retain their unchanging standing, we also change our strategy quickly: to be offensive. Ⅱ.middle course Fo


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