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pascal函数(国外英语资料) Pascal function Mathematical function: Inc (I) makes i:=i+1; Inc (I, b) makes I:=I+b; Dec (I) makes i:=i-1; Dec (I, b) makes I:=I-b; Abs (x) the absolute value of X: ABS (-3) =3 Chr (x) asks for the corresponding character of number X. Example: Chr (65) = ` A , Chr (97) = ` a, Chr (48) = 0 Ord (x) for the corresponding number of character X. Example: ord (` A ), =65, ord (` a), =97, addition: ord (false), =0, ord (true), =1 Sqr (x) square of X. Example: SQR (4) =16 Sqrt (x) x evolution. Example: sqrt (16) =4 Round (x) x four for example: round (4.5) =5 TRUNC (x) asks the integer part of X: TRUNC (5.6) =5, and the result is integer Int (x) asks the integer part of X, int (5.6) =5.0, and the result is real Frac (x) the decimal part of X, frac (5.6) =0.6 PRED (x) asks the leading PRED of X (` B ) = ` a, PRED (5), =4, PRED (true), =false Succ (x) x followed by succ (` B ) = ` C, succ (5), =6, succ (false), =true Odd (x) to determine whether the X is odd. If it is true, the value is false. Odd (2) =false odd (5) =true Power (a, n) asks as n sub square power (2,3) =8 {only {} can be used when opening the math library Random takes the random number between 0~1 (cannot take 1) The seed function of the randomize random number, which places the function at the top of the random number at a time Fillchar (a, size (a), 0) array initialization, that is, the value of the array a all set to 0 {{boolean variable can also be} The SHR: x SHR N changes the X to binary and moves to the right n bit, which is equivalent to dividing the X by 2n The SHL: x SHL N changes the X to binary, then shifts the n bit to the left, which is equivalent to multiplying the X by 2n Two string function 1. connection operations concat (S1, S2, s3... SN) equivalent to s1+s2+s3+... +sn. Example: concat (` 11 , ` AA) = 11aa; 2. of her series. Copy (s, I, L) intercepts the substring of length L from the string s after the start of the first I character. Example: copy (` abdag , 2,3) = BDA 3.



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